Rak 7204 sensor

Yes, the battery was connected to the device.

Hello Nikola,
Yes the battery is connected to the device while I try to access the Rak Serial Port Tool. It does not function properly as it does not send any outcome when I send any command. It just shows the command in green color and that is all.How can I fix this problem? Please advise. Thank you

Hello @parajuliindu,

Could you measure the output voltage of the battery via a multimeter?
RAK7204 can not charge the battery( AND ALSO THE BATTERY IN NON RECHARGEABLE ) and if the battery is under voltage the module will not work.


By module you mean the “Rak Serial Port Tool” right? Or any other module? Also, what will happens if I disable the Adaptive Data Rate?


By module, I mean the RAK7204.
Also, you will not see anything in the Rak Serial Port Tool if your battery is dead (as RAK7204 will not be powered/working).

If you disable the Adaptive data rate the device (RAK7204) will not auto adjust the DR(data rate), here is document from Semtech on what ADR is : https://lora-developers.semtech.com/uploads/documents/files/Understanding_LoRa_Adaptive_Data_Rate_Downloadable.pdf

Nikola Semov

Hello Nikola,
Thank you for your reply.Is disabling the adaptive data rate leads to security vulnerability or device being unresponsive?

No, it will not compromise the security nor make the device unresponsive.

What happens if I use the wrong data rate for the device does that occur any error or anything like that? Please advise. Is there anything users might make mistakes in ADR that might tigger vulnerabilities?

There is no chance of getting any vulnerability, though I wouldn’t recommend doing any changes with any device if you are not aware of what you are doing.
Here is an explanation of what ADR is and what it does: https://lora-developers.semtech.com/uploads/documents/files/Understanding_LoRa_Adaptive_Data_Rate_Downloadable.pdf

Yes, I can understand but I was just trying to understand what mistakes the users might make while setting up lorawan end device which might trigger vulnerabilities so want be aware of that. If you know any scenarios or any errors which should not be neglected, please let me know. Thank you

Hello Nikola,

I am collecting the application (end device) live data into the node red. I can collect the uplink messages but not the downlink messages. Why do you think I am not able to see the downlink messages when I have use the flow to get the messages from TTN console to the node-red. Thank you


That would be a question for the TTN forum I think :smiley: .

Anyways would you share some information on how you collect the data, what is the integration method?
Also, it would help if you share the Node-RED flow.

Nikola Semov

When I Send the “at+join” command through the Rak serial port tool. The Rak serial port tool get stuck and become unresponsive. I am setting up the device in ABP mode. what might be the issue? Below is how

the rak serial port tool shows the command.

Hello Nikola,

Can I not register the Rak7204 sensor in ABP mode? Please provide some information on this sensor. Thank you

Hello @parajuliindu ,

The device can work in ABP mode.

All of the information on the device you can find here: RAK7204 WisNode Sense Home | RAKwireless Documentation Center