RAK 7391 - No USB Connection on VIA VL805

Use lsusb -vv to view any connected modules.
Bus 001 ist the VIA connected via the PCI bridge. (double typo)
Bus 003 is USB Bus 3, which is the USB Hub on the bottom of my graphic here, so lets call it the default USB.

There is currently connected (guesses) : One STM which is maybe a RAK Lora (type lsusb -vv for more info), 2 Qinheng CH340 which seems to be the USB2UART Bridge which is controlling the GPIOs, Terminus Technology is a simple USB Hub which is seen twice on the graphic and there fore twice aswell in the device listing. Hope this may help.
Ive got some information of the RAK Support via Mail that i should try to use the GPIO pins on the MPCIE3 to reset or wakeup my module. Will give this a try. Just had to figure out what IO0_0 Pin 1 Wake and IO0_3 Pin 20 W_Disable and furthermore Pin 22 PCIE_RST_OUT3 connected to PERST pins i had to drive.