RAK online compiler for you to compile your customized firmware based on RUI

@leopold yes, it is set to false, but still went back to 1.

@leopold, ok, I will checkout new app_5205 and update my app_RAK811 to match.

Hi @leopold

I set DR back to 3 and after a while it still goes to 1 even though ADR Enable is false
See below

==============LoRaWAN Status List================
Work Mode: LoRaWAN
Region: AS923
Send_interval: 60s
Auto send status: true.
Send_interval work at sleep
Join_mode: OTAA
DevEui: 60C5A8FFF9237205
AppEui: 60C5A8FFF9237205
AppKey: 65B994FAE3F8A68CB7A1F4A13FC70422
Class: C
Joined Network:true
IsConfirm: true
AdrEnable: false
EnableRepeaterSupport: false
Current Datarate: 1
Primeval Datarate: 3
ChannelsTxPower: 0
UpLinkCounter: 223
DownLinkCounter: 245
===================List End======================

Also, I have done some more testing with the app_RAK811 code and I have found that after it sends a message, the sleep callback is called, but then immediately the wake callback is called.
This is followed again by the sleep callback/wake callback cycle again and this repeats continuously
What would be the reason that it is not staying asleep and waking immediately?


Which server you tested?I test it well with TTN and loraserver.

Print the log before going to sleep maybe cause UART wakeup, so before sleep preferably with a delay.

Hi @leopold

I have done the same as the 5205 app.
When it doesn’t join the server, it will sleep ok
But once joined will not sleep.
As before, it I issue at+set_config=device:sleep:0
It replies radio status is busy,can’t sleep.

I am testing this against my own LoraServer with RAK gateways.
Other units on LoraServer are having no issue.
This problem appears to be with the RUI

Are you able to supply a simple RAK811 example that sends data and demonstrates sleep mode working correctly?
You don’t need to use real data, just fake the data.


“at+set_config=device:sleep:1” is config sleep mode command.If it’s joining or sending,loraWAN net is busy and cannot congfig to sleep.
RAK811 example: In app_RAK811.c modify follow picture.

BTW:app_5205.c has overlong subcontract send mechanism,so it’s a little bit more complicated .

2) [email protected]
3) WisNode-Lora board and LoRa Breakboard

Hi @yohoho and @jyloves,

I’ve just sent an email to you please check it.

Hi @leopold

Thank you for the information.
The system has already joined, so it is not active joining.
From that point the system is sending every 60 seconds.
So if I issue the command at+set_config=device:sleep:1 thirty seconds after the sucessful send, the system should not be using the radio, so why do I get radio busy?

But even in saying that, the system should already be asleep.
I was only issuing the command to see if I could manually send it to sleep when it was doing nothing.
But this was also unsucessful.
That is why I am wondering, is the auto sleep not working because the RUI still has busy radio too?

I am doing everything that you are saying I need to do, but it is not working.
If you like, please check my code in my home folder on your server.


I think maybe you set LoRaWAN works at ClassC.So can’t enter sleep mode.

Which account you used?I could check it .

Hi @leopold

Yes, you are correct, I was using Class C. I had thought that C was the low power class, but it is A.
I have changed to Class A and the application is now sleeping as it should.

Thank you

Hi @leopold

Have been running the RAK811 code for a few days and it’s working well and sleeping as it should now that I am using class A.
However, there is still the issue with the DR creeping down back to 1 and stopping communications even though ADR is turned off.

Please examine my settings, see that ADR enabled is false and DR is 1. Once I set DR back to 2 or higher it communicates again, but evenually makes it’s way back to 1 and stops.

Is this a problem in the RUI code? I guess I could work around it by setting the DR back up if it is detected to be 1.

==============LoRaWAN Status List================
Work Mode: LoRaWAN
Region: AS923
Send_interval: 60s
Auto send status: true.
Send_interval work at sleep
Join_mode: OTAA
DevEui: 60C5A8FFF9237205
AppEui: 60C5A8FFF9237205
AppKey: 65B994FAE3F8A68CB7A1F4A13FC70422
Class: A
Joined Network:true
IsConfirm: true
AdrEnable: false
EnableRepeaterSupport: false
Current Datarate: 1
Primeval Datarate: 5
ChannelsTxPower: 0
UpLinkCounter: 4963
DownLinkCounter: 5761
===================List End======================

Can you try changing the /etc/loraserver/loraserver.toml file and adding the following line?This closes the adr on the server side.

The gateway needs to be restarted after the change.

Hello, can i get access to the online compiler ?
name : Thomas IMPERY
mail : [email protected]
Module used : RAK5010

Thank you very much

Hi @exotic_thomas,

I’ve just sent an email to you, please check it.

Hi, I need access to online compiler.
name: Cosmo
mail: [email protected]
Module: RAK811

Hi @Fomi
I would like to apply for the Online compiler

Abdul Hadi
Email: [email protected]
Module: RAK5205

Hi @capodic @Abdul_Hadi,

I’ve just sent an email to you, please check.

BTW, we’ve developed a simple web version online compiler which will be easier than the current commandline fomat. We’ll share it soon, please wait for my news in RAK forum and this topic.:smile:

Hello, everyone!

Thank you for using RAK products.
RAK team has developed a simple web version RUI online compiler which is much easier to use than the commandline compiler:
You can create an account by yourself now. More details, please have a look at the document “How to use RUI online compiler”:

The commandline compiler will be there for a long time until you think the web compiler is easier than the commandline compiler.:slight_smile:

Hi Fomi;

I would like to apply Online compiler

Email: [email protected]
Module: RAK5205