RaK wireless 4630 firmware

how can i flash the hex dump to the rak4630 ?

Welcome to RAK forum @digi ,

You can use Jlink - WisBlock/bootloader/RAK4630 at master · RAKWireless/WisBlock · GitHub

You can use RAKDAP1 - WisBlock/bootloader/RAK4630 at master · RAKWireless/WisBlock · GitHub

none of these working , i have wisblock 4630 and after updating the firmware the blue light gone , only the green fading in and out , after trying to update the bootloader now only the red color and trun on and off usb , no access in anyways from usb serial or j link all fails

Do you use Jlink or RAKDAP1? If these tools cannot detect the RAK4631, it can be loose connections on wires/jumpers. Unless the nrf52 chip is damaged, it should be detected (at very least).

Nothing is work after updating the bootloader with rui3_nrf52840_bootloader_latest.zip the green light goes off and no serial no at commands nothing even double reset , before that it’s working fine and the problem happens when i choose firmware update over bluetooth from mobile

RUI3 does not support double reset.

If firmware update over BLE failed, you are stuck in bootloader mode.

You have to flash an RUI3 based firmware over USB or JLink.

how over usb because it cannot be flashed because the green light turned off and the dfu mode showed error also and only redlight only now

Why are you trying to use pyocd with STM32F settings to flash an nRF52? That cannot work for sure.

I am not sure how you messed up bootloader and softdevice, but it looks like the only chance is to setup your pyocd correct for the nRF52 chips and try to flash a new bootloader and softdevice.

Details are in our RAKDAP1 Quickstart Guide.

Basically, as you have already pyocd installed you need

  1. Install the correct package for nRF52:
pyocd pack --i nrf52840
  1. (optional, but in your case might be required) do a chip erase
pyocd erase -t nrf52840 --chip
  1. Flash the RAK4631 RUI3 firmware latest or the backup that Carl provided.
pyocd flash -t nrf52840 RAK4631_latest_final.hex

manged to get it to 45% but after then failed

Check you wires, make sure the supply voltage is stable.

Do you have a WisDuo RAK4630 or a WisBlock RAK4631?

i use the wires that comes with rakdap1 , WisBlock RAK4631

How do you supply the RAK4631?
Over USB?

Try to add a battery as suggested in the RAKDAP1 guide

i used it like this

The RAK4631 needs to be flashed while on the Base Board and supplied by USB or battery.

i will connect it like that ok ?

Yes, that should work.

done thanks for your support