I am trying to connect Wisgate edge 2 using Generic MQTT with my local MQTT server but i cannot subscribe or get data in application topic ? do I need to do anything else?
However, i can get the information of $SYS/# topic only.
What is need here? or I missed some configuration
Hi Kabin,
The WisGate Edge 2 has built-in MQTT server so you only need to subscribe to the defined topics so you can get the data. This assumes that you are using the built-in LNS.
Here’s a complete guide that you can follow - https://learn.rakwireless.com/hc/en-us/articles/26688300221079-How-To-Use-the-MQTT-Broker-Like-a-Pro-Examples
following the same process but when i subscriber application/# nothing is available in my mqtt server.
in the trace i get this value only
I am using following sketch Heltec_ESP32/examples/LoRaWAN/LoRaWan/LoRaWan.ino at master · HelTecAutomation/Heltec_ESP32 · GitHub
Can you check what is recorded in packet logger/capture of your gateway? The port on the code should be 2 but in the logs it shows -255. It seems to be a wrong/corrupted lora uplink.
Thanks Carlrowan. I made one mistake in payload type it should be None. Now I am getting this data
However, I am able to get that information in my local mqtt “application/#” topic. Do I need to do anything more?