RAK10701-P Display after Update dead

Hi all,

may be somebody can help me with my RAK10701-P field tester.

After first time of usage and several tries to connect with WisToolBox, I made as a first step a firmware update. Since this has been done the device is still reachable via WisToolBox, but the display is not working anymore. And I can not bring it back to life.

Is it possible, that I used the wrong firmware? Has been proposed by WisToolBox, but now I´m not sure anymore. According to the device the firmware RUI_4.0.6_RAK4631 is installed. A bit confusing, because the device has been identified as a RAK4630, but …

Any suggestions, what I can do to reanimate the display?


Welcome to RAK forum @MichaelWAF ,

The WisToolBox identifies it as RAK4630 since it is the module used on the Field Tester.

Please use the custom firmware and follow the steps in the firmware update guide for Field Tester which has the correct firmware file.

Many thanks @carlrowan you saved my day. :smile:

But another question. The device joined our network, I can see it in my log, but it´s a custumed network. Means it is not TTN or Helium. Unfortunately the device does not show any measurements (rssi, distance, etc.). All fields are empty although it is connected. May be I made somethin wrong again?

Hi @MichaelWAF ,

Currently, the field tester only supports TTN, Helium and Chirpstack.

Hi @carlrowan, I have to correct myself. Our service provider is using a chirpstack server. And meanwhile I’ve checked both, WisToolBox and the device. It looks strange.

Display of RAK10701: No Gateway, all fields empty
WisToolBox: LoRaWAN, RSSI -27dBm, SNR 5 dBm

Any ideas what could be the reason for the differents?

Hi @MichaelWAF ,

Did you follow the guide here.

Also, take note that the decoder for Chirpstack V4 will be different.

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