RAK11310 with RAK19001/7 Suddenly Not Recognized

  • Product: RAK11310 mounted on RAK19001 and RAK19007
  • Firmware: Arduino BSP and Arduino IDE
  • Firmware version? How to issue AT+VER=? ?
  • Computer OS: Linux Debian on headless RPi4 and separate PC with Windows 11
  • Computer OS version: Both fully updated
  • Problem happens consistently on both, did not previously occur
  • How can we replicate: Do not know how to force the device into this situation

Thanks to the examples and advice provided by @beegee, have had good success with RAKwireless products. Results are posted on the project’s GitHub repository.

After working with the device successfully over several months, suddenly the device is not recognized when plugged into a serial port. Windows displays the following:

This occurs whether or not the Arduino IDE is active. It appears the device itself has something amiss since the non-recognition is not at the IDE level but at the computer level.

Searching the forum, there are these threads that discuss similar-sounding problems: Thread_A Thread_B. Tried to follow various comments that appeared to apply to my situation.

Have tried the reset double-press. The same “unrecognized” dialog appears after the second press of the reset button. Other suggestions assume the device is recognized. Have tried different cables that worked with this device before but no dice.

Using the same serial port with an Arduino Uno R3, that device is recognized.

The device has not been subjected to vibration or out-of-range temperatures. The RAK11310 is screwed down.

Have performed numerous reflashes of program code while working with these devices over several months.

This little Python method confirms that the Uno is recognized but not the RAK device, when both are plugged into different ports at the same time. This occurs with both Windows and Linux.

import serial, serial.tools.list_ports
def FindSerialPorts():
  print("\nSerial Ports:")
  ports = serial.tools.list_ports.comports()
  if ports is not None:
    print("Detected ", len(ports), " total ports")
    for port in ports:
      print(port.name, "\t:\t", port.device, "\t:\t", port.manufacturer)
  else: print("No ports found")

At one point, under Arduino IDE, one of the devices appeared to be briefly recognized but then quickly dropped out.

Tried uninstalling and reinstalling the Arduino IDE and BSP using these instructions. While installing the board package, the following messages appeared:
Error downloading https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RAKwireless/https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RAKwireless/RAKwireless-Arduino-BSP-Index/main/package_rakwireless_index.json
Error downloading https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RAKwireless/https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RAKwireless/RAKwireless-Arduino-BSP-Index/main/package_rakwireless_index.json
Warning: non trusted contribution, skipping script execution (C:\Users\Peter Raeth\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\rakwireless\hardware\mbed_rp2040\0.0.6\post_install.bat)

On the IDE, no port for the RAK device appears in the ports list, although the RAK11310 is selected in the boards list. The Uno does appear in the ports list. The device also does not appear in DeviceManager/Ports.

The red LED on the board blinks. There is a sound usually made by the Windows computer upon the first press of the reset button.

If the computer does not recognize the device, there appears to be nothing I can do to the device itself.

Has anyone encountered something like this, the device suddenly not recognized by a Windows or Linux computer after working well for a long time?

Many thanks for the community’s input.

RAK11310 does not support double-push reset for bootloader (afaik).
Push the white button on the RAK11310 while powering up or resetting and check if anything changes.

“USB device not recognized” happens sometimes on my Windows computer, it can be a RAK461, a RAK3372 or a RAK11310, doesn’t make any difference which module it is.

Usually I go to the device manager, under “View” select “Show hidden devices”.

Then I check in the "Ports (COM & LPT) list for USB devices with problem report, remove them all from the list.

Reboot the computer and the problem is gone.

Other (worse) possibility is that the contacts in the USB connector on the WisBlock Base Board are corroded or damaged.

Many thanks for this @beegee .

Tried the other approaches with no luck. But did find “hidden” COM ports that I uninstalled prior to rebooting.

For now, going to assume that my constant reprogramming, moving the devices between computers, and plugging/unplugging the cable from the device has damaged the mini-usb connection on either the device or the cables. Going to order new RAK19001/RAK13110 to see if that solves the problem. Will report back. Should take a couple of weeks for the new parts to arrive.

The parts have arrived.

As I understand things, a USB v2 port outputs a nominal voltage of 5 volts with a maximum current of 500 milliamps (mA), within a 4.75V to 5.25V range. USB v3 is the same except that it can maintain a maximum current of 900mA and operates at higher data speeds.

Purchased a new RAK19001/RAK11310.

Worked with the Raspberry Pi v4 and one of its USB v2 ports.

Obtained a USB voltage meter. With the Arduino Uno R3 and a camera plugged into the SPI port, the voltage reading of the Raspberry Pi v4 USB v2 port, is 5.327 volts. With the RAK19001/RAK11310 the voltage reading was 5.4v.

RAK19001 datasheet says, “Supports both 5 V USB, 3.7 V rechargeable battery, and 3.3 to 5.5 V non-rechargeable battery as power supply.” and “Power Supply on the USB port (VBUS) –0.3 to 5.5”

The RAK19001/RAK11310 was recognized as being connected. However, I am concerned at the high voltage being produced by the RPi4, although the RAK device specs say it should withstand that.

Similarly, the Windows computer is producing 5.1v.