Iam using the RAK11720 module and i was wondering if this support the use of several threads.
I want to update a display in a different thread then the rest of my code, is this possible? so yes how can i do this?
Do you also have ideas for creating a higher SPI speed? I have a ili9341 tft display and the refresh time is real slow. I tried to set the SPI speed to 10Mhz and 25 Mhz but this doesnt have any effect.
I tried to use the adafruit ili9341 library with the ili9341 tft display but the display only works via software SPI and not hardware SPI, which is very slow.
Iam now at a point that i cant use the RAK11720 on my product anymore if my display is not working properly. Do you have any suggestion to make the display run faster?