RAK11720 PWM only achieve 38.5% of duty cycle

Please include the following information, in order for us to help you as effectively as possible.

  • What product do you wish to discuss? RAK4631, RAK3372, RAK11200, RAK11310, RAK11722?

  • What firmware are you using? (RUI3 or Arduino BSP or other IDE (e.g. STM32CubeIDE)?
    RUI3 Ver 4.1.1

  • What firmware version? Can it be obtained with AT+VER=?
    Ver 4.1.1

  • Computer OS? (MacOS, Linux, Windows)

  • What Computer OS version?
    10 pro

  • How often does the problem happen?
    RAK11720 PWM only achieve 38.5% of duty cycle we need 0 to 100%

  • How can we replicate the problem?
    Sample code Arduino_Led_Breathing

  • Provide source code if custom firmware is used or link to example if RAKwireless example code is used.