RAK15002 platformio sample

I am trying to use the RAK15002 SD card reader module, and noticed the Arduino sample:
WisBlock/examples/RAK11200/IO/RAK15002_SD_Card/RAK15002_SD_Card.ino at master · RAKWireless/WisBlock · GitHub

But, I need to know how to do similar but in a PlatformIO project. Specifically, what is the library dependency needed?

I am using with the RAK4631.

Welcome to the forum @RippleRadios

lib_deps =
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Ah, one more thing. All seems ok, except I have a need for SDClass::rename(), which seems to be missing in this lib. Is there any workaround or way to do this?

Rename what? A file on the SD card?
The library is quite primitive, not many functions.

I meant to rename a file on SD card. Is ok, I will try to copy file, then remove() old.

I haven’t been able to get past the SD.begin(), tho. I had InternalFS.begin(), and all works fine. But SD.begin() is blocking and never returns. (it is passing the default CS pin of 26)

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