Hi,rak engineers!
We are using RAK18032 supporting example code HighRatePDMSerialPlotterFFT. Ino file has a problem. We want to acquire raw data from the rak18032 sensor without going through the fast Fourier transform of the ApproxFFT.ino. By modifying the HighRatePDMSerialPlotterFFT. Ino file BUFFER_SIZE parameters can change the output of raw data at a time, the default BUFFER_SIZE for 256, but when we changed to 1024, found that the original data can be normal output, But the data after the 256th point is a raw data that fluctuates up and down from 0. Why? These numbers seem meaningless, and we just want to get more raw data at once.
Sample code is attached below, which simply comments out the fast Fourier change and outputs only the raw data of the rak18032 ultrasonic sensor
HighRatePDMSerialPlotterFFT_raw_data.ino (4.4 KB)
In addition, we use Wisblock Base as rak19001, Wisblock Core as rak4631, and install rak18032 in the IO SLOT of Wisblock Base