RAK19001 IO8 documentation

Hello community

The documentation for the rak19001 in the tables; pinout of the 40-pin MCU module connector anddefinition of each pin of the WisBlock Core connector: they mention that pin 16 corresponds to led 3 but the schematic indicates that it is IO8.

it’s a mistake?

Welcome back @JorgeFG

Both is correct, originally there were plans for a third LED controlled by GPIO IO8 from the Core module.
But IO8 is not available on any of the WisBlock Core modules, so it is not used.

IO7 cannot be accessed either.

Availability of the IO ports depends on the WisBlock Core modules.
IO7 and IO8/LED3 are reserved for future WisBlock Core modules.

Core module IO7 IO8
RAK4631 Reserved for QSPIO NC
RAK11200 NC NC
RAK11310 NC NC