RAK19003 + GPS(RAK12500) over I2C

does RAK19003 works with GPS (RAK12500) over I2C on Slot A also?

could not find pinout for it to test.

Hi @richonguzman ,

Both slot of RAK19003 has I2C connection. Slot A will work ok for I2C.

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great, where could I found the I2C pins to define them over VSCODE?

for RAK19007+RAK4631 i used:

Wire.setPins(Board_SDA, Board_SCL);


#define Board_SDA           13
#define Board_SCL           14

Hi @richonguzman ,

If you are using Arduino extension on VSCODE, it is be on the variants.h file. If you are using platformIO, it should be the same but I am not sure on the structure of packages in PIO. @beegee mostly use platformIO. He can help in case you use PIO.

Just use Wire.begin(). No need to define the pins. It will use the correct ones automatically.

thanks a lot, find a Ham Op who has it and will test the code to confirm also :wink: