RAK19003 vs RAK5005-O?

Is there a page on the RAK website that compares the RAK19003 vs RAK5005-O? specifically what features are on one vs the other? From what I can tell the # of I/O pins exposed is different and the number of slots available for sensors is different. Any other major differences other than the size of the board?

We have no page comparing the two WisBlock Base boards but that’s a good idea specially now that we will launch two more Base boards on our Spring Launch event next month. You can register here RAK’s Spring Launch Empowering The Innovators Making IoT Your Own - RAKwireless - IoT Made Easy so you wont miss the announcement.

Regarding RAK19003 and RAK5005-O, aside on the obvious slots limitation (only slot C and slot D available) and USB-C connector, the other thing that changed is that on RAK19003, there are UART1 pins on both slot C and D. On RAK5005-O, only slot A has the UART1 pins.

Awesome, thanks for that extra info. And yes, I signed up for the launch event :slight_smile:

ps. also love all the new sensors you’ve released for the WisBlock over the past year. It brings a lot of utility to the product line :star_struck:

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