RAK19007 Cannot read io-slot RAK12013 PlatformIO

I am utilizing RAK4631 attached to RAK19007 with RAK 12013 attached to the IO-Slot. I am trying to build out a PlatformIO build that can include multiple sensors based on build flags. Each Sensor is a separate library to do the basic INIT and read while the main.h file conditionally includes the reads and writes to the WIS API V2.

I had no problem do this for the 3-axis sensor 1904. When I tried to do this for the IO-Slot sensor RAK12013 I cannot get the sensor to read motion.

The variant.h file defines:
static const uint8_t WB_IO1 = 17; // SLOT_A SLOT_B
static const uint8_t WB_IO2 = 34; // SLOT_A SLOT_B
static const uint8_t WB_IO3 = 21; // SLOT_C
static const uint8_t WB_IO4 = 4; // SLOT_C
static const uint8_t WB_IO5 = 9; // SLOT_D
static const uint8_t WB_IO6 = 10; // SLOT_D
static const uint8_t WB_SW1 = 33; // IO_SLOT
static const uint8_t WB_A0 = 5; // IO_SLOT
static const uint8_t WB_A1 = 31; // IO_SLOT
static const uint8_t WB_I2C1_SDA = 13; // SENSOR_SLOT IO_SLOT
static const uint8_t WB_I2C1_SCL = 14; // SENSOR_SLOT IO_SLOT
static const uint8_t WB_I2C2_SDA = 24; // IO_SLOT
static const uint8_t WB_I2C2_SCL = 25; // IO_SLOT
static const uint8_t WB_SPI_CS = 26; // IO_SLOT
static const uint8_t WB_SPI_CLK = 3; // IO_SLOT
static const uint8_t WB_SPI_MISO = 29; // IO_SLOT
static const uint8_t WB_SPI_MOSI = 30; // IO_SLOT

What IO-Slot am I suppose to use? I know I need to turn on the slot and then create loop to detect motion. In the INO example you provide it says WB_IO4 is the slot to turn on and WB_IO3 is the slot I read.

I tried that and only get 0 as motion.

Here is the code I am using in my RAK12013 library:

#include "RAK12013.h"
#include "Wire.h"
#include "SPI.h"

RAK12013* RAK12013::instance = nullptr;

#ifndef MYLOG
    #if MY_DEBUG > 0
        #define MYLOG(tag, ...)                     	\
            do                                      	\
            {                                       	\
                unsigned long currentMillis = millis();	\
                PRINTF("[%lu ms] -- ", currentMillis);	\
                if (tag)                            	\
                    PRINTF("[%s] ", tag);           	\
                PRINTF(__VA_ARGS__);                	\
                PRINTF("\n");                       	\
                Serial.flush();                     	\
            } while (0)
        #define MYLOG(...)

#ifndef BLUE_LED
	#define BLUE_LED      LED_BLUE

#ifndef GREEN_LED
	#define GREEN_LED      LED_GREEN

boolean g_motion_status = false;
int motion_count = 0;

SoftwareTimer motion_read_timer;

uint8_t SENSOR_OUT;
uint8_t SENSOR_EN;

void readNow(TimerHandle_t unused)
	MYLOG("IO-SLOT", "readNow hit");
	int val   = digitalRead(SENSOR_OUT);
	MYLOG("IO-SLOT", "Value: %u", val);
	if (val > 0 && !g_motion_status) {
		digitalWrite(BLUE_LED, HIGH);
		digitalWrite(GREEN_LED, LOW);
		MYLOG("APP", "Motion Detected");
		g_motion_status = true;
	} else if (val == 0 && g_motion_status) {
		digitalWrite(BLUE_LED, LOW);
		digitalWrite(GREEN_LED, HIGH);
		MYLOG("APP", "NO Motion");
		g_motion_status = false;

	instance = this;

void RAK12013::init(uint8_t slot_in, uint8_t slot_out)
	SENSOR_EN = slot_in;
	SENSOR_OUT = slot_out;
	digitalWrite(SENSOR_EN, HIGH); 

	MYLOG("APP", "Rader 3GHZ is READY!!!");

	pinMode (SENSOR_OUT, INPUT); 
	pinMode (BLUE_LED, OUTPUT);  
	MYLOG("APP", "Waiting for motion");

	motion_read_timer.begin(5000, readNow, NULL, true);

void RAK12013::read()
	int val   = digitalRead(SENSOR_OUT);
	if (val > 0 && !g_motion_status) {
		digitalWrite(BLUE_LED, HIGH);
		digitalWrite(GREEN_LED, LOW);
		MYLOG("APP", "Motion Detected");
		g_motion_status = true;
	} else if (val == 0 && g_motion_status) {
		digitalWrite(BLUE_LED, LOW);
		digitalWrite(GREEN_LED, HIGH);
		MYLOG("APP", "NO Motion");
		g_motion_status = false;

int RAK12013::get_motion_count()
	MYLOG("APP", "Motion Count: %d", motion_count);
    return motion_count;

void RAK12013::handleInterrupt(TimerHandle_t unused) {
    if (instance) {

Any help would be much appreciated.

The RAK12013 is an IO slot module.
There are three GPIO’s required to use it.

WB_IO2 controls the power supply of the module. HIGH == power on, LOW ==> power off
WB_IO4 enables the radar sensor. HIGH == enabled, LOW == disabled
WB_IO3 is the detection signal. HIGH == motion detected, LOW == no motion detected

I think you are missing the WB_IO2 in your code.

Quick test worked fine.
Log output:

main.cpp (1.9 KB)

Okay I figured out my problem. Your code example was very similar mine. I turned on WB_IO2 in my main which i did not provide.

My problem was a bad board. I crossed the battery wires once and the device stopped working. I got a new 4631 core and was able to read the 3 AXIS sensor and the Bosch enviro sensor with no problem. Turns out the IO slot got fried when I crossed the wires.

Thank you so much for your response. I truly love how quickly you get guys respond to issues.