RAK19007 with RAK4631 is consuming more current

I have RAK9007 and RAK4631. With simple code which blink LED for 30 seconds consume 10mA and then go to deepsleep. but still it is consuming 3-5mA. why?

one more question is can we control this IO2 using software API.

@beegee @carlrowan

Do you initialize the LoRa transceiver and force it to sleep mode?
If not, the transceiver will be in stand by mode, which uses a higher current.


Now I used that and I’m seeing little difference around 2mA reduced and still it consuming more than expected around 3-5mA without any tasks running.
I’m using semaphores and timers for task synchronization. and even the RAK5860 is powered off. and no BLE adv or scan.

Hi @RaviKM,
Regarding power consumption I was confused too, until I found my issue with supply voltage. I Must be higher than ~3.6V, see - Where is the leakage? [RAK19007] - #17 by beegee

I’m using regulated power supply and giving 4.5V. and using semaphores and callbacks as per example DeepSleep-nRF52.zip. I’m using Lora so I disable it as beege suggestion. Fully confused and don’t know where I’m doing misake.

I would strip down my code and test step by step.
Start with a simple LoRaWAN connect and send empty packets, measure consumption.
Then add one by one the different parts/tasks and measure after each single item was added.

@RaviKM OK, but how do you feed and measure it?

But as @beegee says, its good to have a working reference for you hardware setup.

I have connected RAK5860 module in IO Slot 2 but I’m not powering it up.
I stripped LoraWAN code added one LED blink code with Timer and semaphore synchronization. I’m getting 5mA during Idle condition.
Hardware setup to measure current : Since I do not have PPK2, I’m using Digital multimeter to read current and RAK is powered through Regulated power supply with 5V input.