My IoT node based on SX1276 is sending the Join Request to my Gateway based on SX1301 and SX1257 (RAK2245 board). I see the Class A IoT node spitting the message saying that it is sending the Join request. However I am not seeing the Join request at the concentrator. Is there some special debug I need to enable to see the packets received by the concentrator?
Which LoRa Server are you using? Is it or other LoRa Server?
If your own LoRa Server is, you can have a look at the document which @Hobo has mentioned. In that document, the 6.2.2 section has introduced how to configure your LoRa Gateway to connect with a loraserver.
In the picture 3, you should fill it with your own LoRa Server’s IP address.
If your own LoRa Server is other LoRa Server, you can do as follow:
Choose the item 3 to open the configuration file, then you can see some contents as follow:
I have run a radio calibration test provided by libloragw library. Below is the output. Something seems to be wrong in my RF settings. Can someone help …
pi@raspberrypi:~/deps/lgw/platform-rpi/libloragw $ ./test_loragw_cal -a 925.1 -b 923.3 -r 1257 -n 2
Library version information: Version: 5.0.1;
Radio type: 2
Radio A frequency: 925.100000 MHz
Radio B frequency: 923.300000 MHz
Number of calibration iterations: 2
Calibration command: brd: 0, chip: 1257, dac: 3
Rx A IQ mismatch: Amp: -9 Phi: 15 Rej: 51 dB Status: 143 | Debug: Rej: 56 dB Lna: 1 BB: 15 Dec: 7
Rx A IQ mismatch: Amp: -9 Phi: 14 Rej: 53 dB Status: 143 | Debug: Rej: 64 dB Lna: 1 BB: 15 Dec: 7
Rx B IQ mismatch: Amp: 8 Phi: 8 Rej: 55 dB Status: 151 | Debug: Rej: 58 dB Lna: 1 BB: 15 Dec: 7
Rx B IQ mismatch: Amp: 8 Phi: 8 Rej: 53 dB Status: 151 | Debug: Rej: 63 dB Lna: 1 BB: 15 Dec: 7
Tx A calibration bypassed
Tx B calibration bypassed
Rx A IQ mismatch calibration statistics on 2 iterations (min, max):
Amp: -9 -9 Phi: 14 15 Rej: 51 53 dB (capt.: 56 64 dB)
Rx B IQ mismatch calibration statistics on 2 iterations (min, max):
Amp: 8 8 Phi: 8 8 Rej: 53 55 dB (capt.: 58 63 dB)
Below is calibration log which report problem with radio A for image rejection and radio B for TX imbalance.
Can RAK experts comment on this? Is my concentrator bad?
pi@raspberrypi:~/deps/lgw/platform-rpi/libloragw $ ./test_loragw_cal -a 925.1 -b 923.3 -t 3 -r 1257 -n 10
Library version information: Version: 5.0.1;
Radio type: 2
Radio A frequency: 925.100000 MHz
Radio B frequency: 923.300000 MHz
Number of calibration iterations: 10
Calibration command: brd: 0, chip: 1257, dac: 3
lgw_connect:532: INFO: no FPGA detected or version not supported (v0)
Note: success connecting the concentrator
lgw_setup_sx125x:407: Note: SX125x #0 version register returned 0x21
lgw_setup_sx125x:415: Note: SX125x #0 clock output disabled
lgw_setup_sx125x:469: Note: SX125x #0 PLL start (attempt 1)
lgw_setup_sx125x:407: Note: SX125x #1 version register returned 0x21
lgw_setup_sx125x:412: Note: SX125x #1 clock output enabled
lgw_setup_sx125x:473: Note: SX125x #1 kept in standby mode
Rx A IQ mismatch: Amp: -6 Phi: 18 Rej: 50 dB Status: 143 | Debug: Rej: 46 dB Lna: 1 BB: 15 Dec: 7
WARNING: problem in calibration of radio A for image rejection
Rx A IQ mismatch: Amp: -10 Phi: 15 Rej: 48 dB Status: 135 | Debug: Rej: 45 dB Lna: 1 BB: 15 Dec: 7
WARNING: problem in calibration of radio A for image rejection
Rx A IQ mismatch: Amp: -11 Phi: 13 Rej: 48 dB Status: 135 | Debug: Rej: 46 dB Lna: 1 BB: 15 Dec: 7
Rx A IQ mismatch: Amp: -9 Phi: 15 Rej: 51 dB Status: 143 | Debug: Rej: 44 dB Lna: 1 BB: 15 Dec: 7
WARNING: problem in calibration of radio A for image rejection
Tx B DC offset I : 90 26 -86 123 -49 84 -46 -24
Tx B DC offset Q : 82 -84 37 -106 -20 -14 125 39
Tx B DC rejection: 28 26 25 22 25 20 25 27
Tx B DC debug BB : 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
Tx B DC debug Dec: 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
Tx B DC Status : 199
WARNING: problem in calibration of radio B for TX imbalance
Hi @sgodey
What are you using, Basic Station or RAK “station” .
Please download and install RAK software for RAK2245 from here RAK Git . Or download SD image from here RAK2245 SD.
And make the same tests.