Issue: devices Join via OTAA and broadcast data regularly but most Uplink packets are not seen
Setup: RPi 4B bullseye, RAK2245 hat, Dragino LDDS75 and LSN50v2 devices, AU915
Server: Chirpstack v3 with TTN
installed several months ago using RPi image (buster), experienced this problem, set aside
re-installed now from GitHub repository on clean bullseye, same problem
selected Chirpstack, AU915 freq range
created device profiles and devices for LDDS75 and LSNS75, incl Device EUIs and App Keys
both devices rapidly Join via OTAA
both devices transmit every 20 mins but very few of these packets are seen (less than 10%). those that are seen decode correctly and show correct values
RSSI is about -50 for both devices in seen packets
i’m a newbie to radio (but very familiar with linux/RPi) so be gentle
after lots of searching the only clue i have found is a hint that AU915 has a lot more than 8 frequencies but RAK supports up to 8 so maybe devices are using too many different frequencies - i’m ignorant enough to think that’s feasible