RAK2245 + Rock960 96Board

I am working on getting the combination of the RAK2245 and the 96board ROCK960 operational.

/packet_forwarder/lora_pkt_fwd# ./lora_pkt_fwd
ERROR: [main] failed to start the concentrator


lora_gateway / libloragw # ./test_loragw_spi
Beginning or test for loragw_spi.c
data received (simple read): 0
End of test for loragw_spi.c

/lora_gateway/util_spectral_scan# ./util_spectral_scan
+++ Start spectral scan of LoRa gateway channels +++
ERROR: Failed to connect to FPGA

Both are not working, possibly a SPI problem?

Who can help me further, for example a manual or a how-to for a 96 board.

On the website the manual is missing.

Hi, @laurenshps

Which frequency are you using?
There is an error about FPGA in your log, i think you can check your global_config.json file to see if there is a LBT option? If it is, you need to set it to FALSE.

Also, you can try to reduce the SPI rate, maybe 2Mbps or 1Mbps is fine.


EU868 is the frequency,

I have put the code in DEBUG mode and get the folowing error:

Note: SPI port opened and configured ok
Note: SPI read success
lgw_connect:532: INFO: no FPGA detected or version not supported (v0)
Note: SPI read success
lgw_connect:555: ERROR: NOT EXPECTED CHIP VERSION (v0)
ERROR: [main] failed to start the concentrator

The speed is 2mbps

Sorry, i have less experience on 96Board, but i think you can also try to use another test progress test_loragw_reg in libloragw folder to test the register of SX1301.

We’ve tested on RPi +RAK2245 using test_loragw_spi, this is the correct log:
Beginning of test for loragw_spi.c
data received (simple read): 48
End of test for loragw_spi.c

But your data received is 0.
So i think the SPI interface of your 96Board device is close. Please check it.

/libloragw# ./test_loragw_spi
Beginning of test for loragw_spi.c
Note: SPI port opened and configured ok
WARNING: SPI address > 127
Note: SPI write success
Note: SPI read success
lgw_spi_wb:309: BURST WRITE: to trans 16 # chunk 16 # transferred 16
Note: SPI burst write success
lgw_spi_rb:371: BURST READ: to trans 16 # chunk 16 # transferred 16
Note: SPI burst read success
lgw_spi_wb:309: BURST WRITE: to trans 2500 # chunk 1024 # transferred 1024
lgw_spi_wb:309: BURST WRITE: to trans 1476 # chunk 1024 # transferred 2048
lgw_spi_wb:309: BURST WRITE: to trans 452 # chunk 452 # transferred 2500
Note: SPI burst write success
lgw_spi_rb:371: BURST READ: to trans 2500 # chunk 1024 # transferred 1024
lgw_spi_rb:371: BURST READ: to trans 1476 # chunk 1024 # transferred 2048
lgw_spi_rb:371: BURST READ: to trans 452 # chunk 452 # transferred 2500
Note: SPI burst read success
Note: SPI read success
data received (simple read): 0
Note: SPI port closed
End of test for loragw_spi.c

On my Osciloscope i see data on the SPI pins.

In loragw_spi.native.c i have:

#define READ_ACCESS 0x00
#define WRITE_ACCESS 0x80
#define SPI_SPEED 2000000
//#define SPI_DEV_PATH “/dev/spidev0.0”
#define SPI_DEV_PATH “/dev/spidev32766.0”

And in library.cfg i have

CFG_SPI= ftdi

Is it correct?

I got no signal at pin 10 this is SPI_MISO pin.

SPI_CLK, SPI_CS and SPI_MOS are working fine.

I slowly start thinking that the module is a DOA…?

Hi Laurenshps,

How do you know there is no signal at pin 10.Please refer to SCH.png.
For SPI interface,there is a level translate circuit because 96BOARDS’s interface level is 1.8V.
So please confirm to reduce the SPI rate to 1Mbps.

Hi Jeff,

I have put a oscilloscope on the SPI pins and started ./test_loragw_spi, all SPI are showing data except pin 10, pin 10 shows a flat line. Tested 1,2,4 and 8 Mbps

The 1.8 volt at pin 35 is fine.


should we send you a new sample you can verify again?

yes please, i have also gone through all options.

pls send email to [email protected] for detail shipping arrangement