RAK2270 Does everyone know about AT+PRECV=65533

You might like this @carlrowan

I am running a blank sketch on two RAK2270 Sticker Tracker Development boards with the RakClip and RakDap1 and using LoRa P2P.

The command AT+PRECV=65533 allows both send and receive. So students can use the boards as kind of a text messaging platform.

With a blank sketch AT commands still work so I am just setting:



Which sends abAB 12z

and you can receive any sent message from other boards. All the other settings for Receiving messages are much more constraining.

Codes for P2P AT+PRECV received data: try 0= only send, 30000=receive for 30 s, 65533 can receive and send, 65534=wait for one receive then can send, 65535 = only receive");

Note: If a setting has been set you must use AT+PRECV=0 before you can change the setting to AT+PRECV=65533

Is there an AT command that converts HEX to Text? I don’t think so.

Writing the sketch is fairly easy since a Character array auto converts to a HEX array.

Hi @jerteach ,

You are correct in all the behavior of PRECV. We list these on the RUI3 AT commands documentaiton.

As for the HEX to Text, we do not have that feature. Likely to be done via custom RUI3 code.