RAK2270 RAK Sticker Tracker Documentation

We bought some RAK2270 Sticker Generic and Developer. The problem is that we aren´t finding documentation how to do the basic steps, for example, I don´t know where we can find LoRa Ids: DEV EUI, APP EUI and APP KEY in each sticker neither any kind of documentation about “how to create our own firmware”.

The Stickers PCB don´t come with a interface USB to connect it. Well we are lost… :slightly_frowning_face: We already tried to find the information in the official documentation: RAK2270 Sticker Tracker | RAKwireless Documentation Center

Could you help us?



Hi @crmrosa ,

Just a short backstory for the RAK LoRaWAN Sticker, it was intended to run plug-and-play without any configuration, however it only works on Helium network and we got many request of onboarding it to customers’ own LNS.

Because of this, we launched RAK2270-Generic and RAK2270-Developer variants.

Since you got RAK2270-Generic you should have the OTAA credentials. Please send me the order details via private message so I can check. You can use the OTAA credentials of your sticker to onboard it to your network. After activation, it should start sending packets every hour with temperature and battery data. The payload decoder is based on CayenneLPP.

For the RAK2270-Developer, it is designed to allow customers to create their own FW. The RAK2270 Sticker is fully opensource and based on RUI3. Here’s the github repo - GitHub - RAKWireless/RAK2270-Sticker-Tracker: Open source files for RAK2270 Sticker Tracker

Good morning,

I will get the order details with my colleage and I will return as soon as possible.

Thank you by your support.


I sent the Sticker informations by email.


Good morning @carlrowan ,

Any news about the stickers ids?


Hi Claudio,

I am sorry. It seems I didn’t receive an email. Can you please send me an email now? Also what email address should I expect?

I did the test yesterday.

We saw that the stickers list has a problem, because they are 10 stickers but we have duplication (serial 8********5) in the list.

Could you verify the list content ?



I am checking now with the production team @crmrosa . I’ll send you a message with the update asap.

PS I obscure the serial number you shared but I already got it.

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Good night,

We are applying the stickers to track wagons in a train of a Brazilian railroad company

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I hope the deployment goes well and win the customer :pray:.

Btw, if the stickers were attached to metals, the RF signal will dramatically be attenuated. Needs the gateway to be close to the sticker n that case.

What do you recommend to apply the sticker in wagons?


Hi Claudio, did you find a solution?

Carl: I would like to ask what the best practice workaround for the attenuation problem when attached to metals – other than more gateways.

We’re in a similar situation where we want to attach the stickers to metal bins of roughly 80L size and we’re observing the drastic attenuation you described. We attached it directly though, will try to distance it a bit for the next test.


Hi gordon,

We gave up of this Stiker solution and we did with a traditional Wisblock kit 3 with external magnetic base GNSS antennas

For train wagons it worked fine.

Hi Gordon,

You cannot directly attached it to metals or place it very near to it since it drastically alters the RF propagation profile of the antenna very badly. I do not think there is a work around on this other than adding a close by gateway.

Thanks all for your answers. Very helpful. We are looking also at other approaches in our discovery phase as well including Nb/IoT.

We really like the form factor and the effortless attachment, however we also noticed it is easy to remove, so we need to look into this as well.

Thanks so far