Rak2270 sticker activation check failed

i am uploading RAK3172LP-SiP (.hex) from Rakk3172-sip also downloaded the official firmware from github. i have 2 devices one of them says activated, but the other one is saying inactivated.

22:50:35.451 -> 
22:50:35.667 -> RAKwireless RAK3272LP-SiP
22:50:35.667 -> ------------------------------------------------------
22:50:35.667 -> Version: RUI_4.1.1_RAK3272LP-SiP
22:50:35.667 -> Current Work Mode: LoRaWAN.
22:51:52.096 -> 
22:51:52.313 -> RAK2270 SW Version: RAK2270_1.1.0_Generic
22:51:52.824 -> FACTORY_MODE: ON(255)
22:51:52.824 -> Uplink period is 60 minutes
22:51:52.824 -> Battery Voltage: 3.31
22:51:53.096 -> NTC_Temp.: 32.15
22:51:53.096 -> ACT_CHECK: Inactivated(1)
22:51:53.134 -> Current Work Mode: LoRaWAN.

i can see the voltage on R16 is 1.8-2.0V after cutting the pcb.

please let me know what i am missing?


Hi @bilalfakhar ,

It appears that your sticker is still in factory mode. You can disable it using ATC+FMODE command.

Btw, the sticker uses RAK3172-SiP and not RAK3172LP-SiP.

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Hello Carlrowan thank you for your reply

i will try factory mode today and update you. secondly you mentioned

“the sticker uses RAK3172-SiP and not RAK3172LP-SiP.”

but in schematics it is mentioned rak3172lp-sip. can you please clarify this.


i tried uploading rak3172-sip bootloader and it got stuck badly then i have to program the bootloader using UART by physically holding BOOT high.

Hi @bilalfakhar ,

We will update the schematic.

Regarding the FW, you do not need to upload the RAK3172-SiP bootloader. Just upload this FW using STM32CubeProgrammer - RAK2270-Sticker-Tracker/Firmware/Release/RAK2270_1.1.0_Generic/RAK2270_1.1.0_Generic.hex at main · RAKWireless/RAK2270-Sticker-Tracker · GitHub

Also, it is best to full erase the memory as well to ensure your module is coming from a fresh start.