Rak2287 LoRa layer on Yocto

Issue: We need to add lora functionality layer on Yocto for RAK2287.

Setup: We have custom board with Jetson nano as microprocessor and also has minipci slot where RAK2287 is going to fit.

Server: LoRaWAN server

Details: We using custom board having Jetson Nano as processor and we are using RAK2287 for lora connectivity & we need to integrate all that lorawan communication into Yocto.

I referred :

  1. RAK2287 Linux driver details and kernel configuration for yocto build
  2. GitHub - chirpstack/chirpstack-gateway-os: Yocto based gateway images including ChirpStack components.
  3. https://solidrun.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/developer/pages/286490798/RAK833+LoRaGateway+Yocto
