RAK2287 RaspberryPi OS ChrirpStack DB pwd

Issue: Using RAK’s pre-built RPi OS image for 2287 with ChirpStack and PostgresSQL trying to access the database with ```
psql -h localhost -U chirpstack_as_events -W chirpstack_as_events

It's asking for a password and "dbpassword" does not work.
What has the pwd been set to?

Setup: RAK's pre-built RPi OS with ChirpStack and PostgresSQL

Server: Rpi

Details: trying to access the database with ```
psql -h localhost -U chirpstack_as_events -W chirpstack_as_events

It’s asking for a password. What has the pwd been set to?
Or has a database not been set up in this os image?

To answer my own question, if you omit the _events postfix it lets you log in:
psql -h localhost -U chirpstack_as -W chirpstack_as
pwd = dbpassword

You can find the DB password in the files /etc/chirpstack-network-server/chirpstack-network-server.toml and /etc/chirpstack-application-server/chirpstack-application-server.toml.

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