I am trying to get the basic RAK2305 module hooked up with the stnadard AT_Command_Test (WisBlock/AT_Command_Test.ino at master · RAKWireless/WisBlock · GitHub) files, but sending any AT command via the Arduinio IDE does not return any status through the serial monitor.
Has anyone else got this working?
Hello @vin_d6 welcome to the RAK forum.
The example works out of the box for me. Did you do any changes to the code?
Do you have any other modules plugged into the WisBlock Base board?
Hi @beegee,
I have not changed the code at all, to validate basics first. I only have the RAK4630 and the 2305 connected at the moment. This is what I get:
In your terminal program, can you change to add CR/LF at the end of the command? It seems it adds only LF
Dang it! Sorry… noob here…
Thank you very much sir.
Glad I could help.
It is not obvious and not even the Espressif AT Command manual is mentioning it.
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