RAK3172 and SIGFOX

stupid question, is the RAK3172 module compatible with SIGFOX technology?

As you can see, the connectivity is made by LoRaWAN :slight_smile:

sorry, I don’t understand your answer ?

RAK3172 don´t work with SIGFOX, it works with LoRaWAN/LoRaP2P

yet they use the same chip?

The RAK3172 can be used for Sigfox from hardware side.
But RUI3 does not support the Sigfox stack.

If you want to use Sigfox with RAK3172, you have to write your own application using the STM32CubeIDE and use Sigfox instead of LoRa/LoRaWAN.

thank you for the informations, I don’t know if I’m capable of doing that so firstly, I’m going to see the prices of the “orange” competitors.

the conversion to sigfox is pretty straigthforward : once you get the “sigfox AT slave” compilling in STM32cube IDE (from stm32wl5 example), just updating the same files as for the lorawan example (RAK3172 Module Low Level Development Reference | RAKwireless Documentation Center) and tadam !

works like a charm :wink:

Ps : you still need valid credentials and contract though, which can be obtained from Sigfox themselves (https://build.sigfox.com/)

one small addition sorry :
tested succesfullt on the 3172 module & wisblock , not in the SIP yet…

Thanks for the info, I’ll try, but will it always be possible to revert to the original firmware?

Yes, you can use STM32CubeProgrammer to flash back our firmware.

great guys, nice job, I’ll give it a go and keep you posted :wink:

ok I have downloaded everything I need but I am stuck at this level my ‘set active’ window remains empty no sub window?

please try the basic way to compile the example :

  1. open STM32cube IDE
  2. create new workspace
  3. File>NEW>stm32 project
    it loads a target selection windows :
  4. in the Example selector tab, select NUCLEO-WL55JC2 or research Sigfox to filter example.
  5. select Sigfox AT slave then it next & finish
    this should copy necessary file and set up path the correct way

you should be able to set and compile the example.

Modification :

  1. follow steps 1,2&3 from RAK3172 Module Low Level Development Reference | RAKwireless Documentation Center tu update board definition
  2. update sigfox_data.h with your own credentials : see AN480 https://www.st.com/resource/en/application_note/an5480-how-to-build-a-sigfox-application-with-stm32cubewl-stmicroelectronics.pdf for more details
  3. compile again

Loading Firmware :
I ended up using ST32CubeProgrammer and a STLINK to flash my board,
I had problems sometimes flashing, but it is 100% reliable when decreasing the frenquency to 50 max. @beegee that might be a nice hint to add somewhere in the docs :wink:
Using Cube programmer, you have a chance to customise the Sigfox credentials even after loading the firmware. ( see https://www.st.com/resource/en/user_manual/um2237-stm32cubeprogrammer-software-description-stmicroelectronics.pdf page 75)

Hello, thank you, I will start again to see if I have forgotten anything.

ok, you shouldn’t open the example directly, but create a project as you indicate and download the example, it’s done and it compiles the program, but I don’t have "sigfox_data.h “? but a “sgfx_credentials.c”

ok I found it, it was placed in the “include”

I did everything but when adding my module in “backend sigfox” it does not take my ID? “CRA rejected the modem ownership transfer: The device with id 00000000 can’t be registered for the moment, please contact your device vendor.”

hello, little UP, well I was able to save the module on the backend and did some tests it seems that this program is only made for NUCLEO modules, I will have to redefine all the settings for my custom module, I don’t have the knowledge to do it, so does anyone have another solution?

the method and program does work for any kind of stm32WL based board, given you take care of bsd definition. that’s done in the board_if files provided by RAK.

what is blocking now is the ID/PAC/SECRET from sigfox. It does not work the same way as Loarawan here : you cannot input whatever you want !

the easiser is to register yourself into build.sigfox.com and ask for credentials there.