RAK3172 - Avoid Arduino

Dear Colleagues,

I am used to work with the STM32CubeIDE, programming in C language and using the FreeRTOS. In this configuration I am using a STM32 as a host controller interfacing with the RAK3172 via AT commands.

Now I would like to run some application into the RAK3172 using the RUI3 APIs.

Is there a way to do that, with the RUI3 APIs, using C language and not the Arduino environment? The Arduino programming looks too simplified, and I am not sure about the hardware configuration details behind this simplification.

Hi @IGtti ,

The RUI3 is designed inspired on Arduino ecosystem. But it is based on STM32WL SDK from ST as well. It is just a wrapper.

If you are comfortable in using STM32CubeIDE, you might just proceed using it.

We have a guide that lets you run it and get familiar on the radio files - RAK3172 WisDuo LPWAN Module Low Level Development Reference | RAKwireless Documentation Center

If you are utilizing IOC file of STM32CubeMX then you can check this guide - RAK3172 - Stm32World Wiki

RUI3 it open source - GitHub - RAKWireless/RAK-STM32-RUI: RUI3 BSP for RAK3172 modules

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