RAK3172 End-Device Status (DevStatusReq, DevStatusAns)

When using a RAK4630, End Device status is sent shortly after join as expected.

Changing to a RAK3172 and no status is sent. I have set the interval in ChirpStack and tested with RAK3172 LoRa examples without success. Reading previous posts on the topic, this should be supported?

What RUI3 version are you using?

It works fine for me with RUI3 V4.2.2:

Thanks for the quick reply. I’m using 4.06. I assume the latest in the download centre is 4.2.2 - I will give it a try!

@beegee , That seems to have sorted it thank you. It doesn’t send status at join, only after 5 or so uplinks, but then every 15 mins (as configured in Chirpstack.