I have a custom board designed with a RAK3172, an I2C ADC, and an I2C temperature and humidity sensor. I am having trouble getting them to work reliably after programming, power cycles, and sleep modes.
I noticed that when programming our RUI3 program it would typically work once after programming, then never do anything again after sleeping. I thought it might be code related, so I flashed the LoRa P2P.ino
ping-pong sketch and I noticed that while it would work the first try, if I removed the battery and restarted it, it would no longer respond any other command. I had been using the STLINK to program these boards, so I purchased a Hiletgo CH340 breakout board to view the serial prints from the sketch and soldered it directly to the corresponding pads (RX_RAK->TX_CH, TX_RAK->RX_CH, GND->GND)
. I also tried flashing it using the Serial port instead, but that did not fix it. I then tried uploading the latest firmware file using the STLINK and that would infinitely loop as well.
Watching the Serial terminal, it spammed AT_COMMAND_NOT_FOUND
even though I was not sending any commands. Sometimes it stays like that seemingly forever, and other times it gets to a weird state and stops responding to anything, including AT commands. This happens with the LoRa P2P.ino
sketch and our own custom code equally. I am not sure if the error it spams is related to the board not working or is because of the breakout board attached to it, but if I unplugged it I can no longer see it do anything, although this does not fix the hang ups. A picture of the output is below.
Some board notes:
- The board is powered at 3.5V with a 1/2AA lithium battery.
- There is a single ceramic 10uF and a single ceramic 100nF for decoupling near the power pin of the RAK.
- The RESET pin has the RC filter of a 10k resistor pulled high and a 100nF cap to ground.
- The BOOT0 pin is pulled LOW with a 10k resistor.
- The ADC and temp sensor have one 100nF decoupling capacitor each.
- The I2C lines are pulled up with 10k resistors for BOM consolidation, however for each time the device has worked the I2C devices are recognized immediately.
- I am using a TC-2050 cable and footprint to program.
- We are only using LoRa P2P and I2C, no other peripherals or LoRaWAN.
I am very stumped as to why it is not working, and I would appreciate any help.
Serial Output:
If you would like the schematic and layout, I would prefer to share that privately.