Rak3244 with rak4260. how to communicate gps to rak3244 board

Hello, happyHolidays everyone.
I have my Rak3244 board that inside it has the rak4260.
I have a gps that I want to send data to this board and print it on the arduino’s monitorerial.
I have not been able to send the GPS data to the board because the SoftwareSerial library does not support the 32mhz speed of the microcontroller. Is there a code to send the data and display it on the screen? Or just a SoftwareSerial library that works for me?

Finally, thank you again and I look forward to your answer.

Hello @Andres.ferrarid
Welcome to the forum.
Not sure why you want to use SoftwareSerial. The RA3244 has a hardware serial available on the pin headers.

Did you try to connect the GPS to the RX and TX pins of the RAK3244 and then use Serial1 to communicate with the GPS module.

Hi @beegee I really appreciate your response and concern.

Regarding the code, I have been guided by the examples of the Tiny GPS library and they all take up SoftwareSerial.
I add photo of my code.

I also leave it written.

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#include <TinyGPS.h>
TinyGPS gps;
SoftwareSerial serialgps(14,15);
unsigned long chars;
unsigned short sentences, failed_checksum;

void setup()
serialgps.begin(14, 15);

//Imprimimos en el monitor serial:
Serial.println(“gps sim68”);
Serial.println(“Buscando senal”);

void loop()

int c = Serial1.read();

if(gps.encode(c)) {
 float latitude, longitude;
 gps.f_get_position(&latitude, &longitude);
 Serial.print("Latitud/Longitud: "); 
 Serial.println(", "); 
 gps.stats(&chars, &sentences, &failed_checksum);


finally thank you again and I await your reply.

The examples are using SoftwareSerial because a lot of Arduino AVR boards have only one HW Serial.

As I said, replace the SoftwareSerial with Serial1 and connect your GPS to the RX/TX pins as I advised.

I didn’t work with the SoftwareSerial since a long time, but I do not see where you set the baud rate.

Try this with the GPS connected to RX and TX



#include <TinyGPS.h>
TinyGPS gps;

unsigned long chars;
unsigned short sentences, failed_checksum;

void setup()

	//Imprimimos en el monitor serial:
	Serial.println(“gps sim68”);
	Serial.println(“Buscando senal”);

void loop()
	while (Serial1.available())
		int c = Serial1.read();

		if (gps.encode(c))
			float latitude, longitude;
			gps.f_get_position(&latitude, &longitude);
			Serial.print("Latitud/Longitud: ");
			Serial.println(latitude, 5);
			Serial.println(", ");
			Serial.println(longitude, 5);
			gps.stats(&chars, &sentences, &failed_checksum);

Dear @beegee .

I really appreciate your prompt reply.
This is for my college degree. Right now I’m at work and here I can only compile because the board is at my house. While at home I will immediately enter the code to see what happens.

Thank you very much again!

Dear @beegee.
I did the test and the code did compile but it does not show me anything on the serial monitor.

What is the baudrate of the GPS module? I assumed 9600, but it could be different.

Another point is the RX/TX lines. Sometimes the GPS breakouts have the names switched. You can try


the gps is the SIM68M and it has a speed of 115200, I changed it right away but it still doesn’t send me data. It is as if the entrances of the plate were closed. I test it on arduino UNO and if it gives me data the gps.

As I do not have this GPS module it is difficult to find the problem.

Did you try to switch the RX and TX lines?