RAK3372 Info/Experiences?

I see there is a new core - RAK3372.

Anyone have any experience using that versus the RAK4631-R? Price is lower, which I like. No bluetooth, but I think I can live with that for the cost savings.

It is a little hard to tell if an antenna comes with it or not though… At the top it looks like it does not, since there is a checkbox to add it:

But then lower in the description it looks like it is included:

Hi @Botched1 ,

The antenna is already included in the package as stated in the package list. I will ask the team to remove the antenna on Check to include section to avoid confusion. Thank you for reaching out and informing as about this.

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RAK3372 is a good alternative to RAK4631-R if you do not Bluetooth.

However, there is a limitation on the IO3 pin since it has internal resistor (pull-up for high frequency 8xx-9xxMhz and pull-down on low frequency 4xxMhz). You have to take this into consideration on the WisBlock modules you will use in your application.

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