RAK4630 Schematic Diagram outdated?

Hello everyone,

We design a custom PCB based on the RAK4630.
In RAK4630 Module Datasheet is described the schematic diagram of the RAK4630 module. However in this post @beegee mentions that the information in the schematic is outdated. Where can I find the up to date schematic diagram for the RAK4630 module?

Also in the provided schematic, the legend is written as “nRF51840 and Module Pinout”. I believe this might be a typo and that it should actually be nRF52840. Could you please verify this?


Hi @Nikosant ,

The schematic of RAK4630 is still ok. But we used a special version on our sensorhub and air quality wisblock sensor.

As for custom PCB design for RAK4630, the approach can be normal mode or high voltage mode depending on the supply rails you have. Please check the documentation here - RAK4630 Module Quick Start Guide | RAKwireless Documentation Center

Thank you Carl for the responce,

Still it is not clear to me. RAK4630 integrates L10 or not?

Our intention is to operate nRF52840 in normal mode down to 1V8 (VDD range 1.7 - 3.6V) with DC/DC REG1 enabled for optimal power consumption (nRF52840 Power Supply)

For this mode L10 connecting DCCH to VDD does not be placed


Hi @Nikosant ,

Once VDDH and VDD are shorted, the chip will be in Normal mode (inductor effect on DCCH is something I am not sure - maybe Nordic team can clarify). I do not have internal schematic of the nRF52840 but it seems the switching inside is automatic.

Charles did some validation test as mentioned on a separate forum thread.

Thank you, Carl, for your support.

What confused me was the need to remove L10 as indicated on the schematic, especially since L10 is under the metal cover and not accessible. Out of curiosity, is L10 accessible on the Sensor Hub and Air Quality WisBlock sensor?

Hi @Nikosant ,

It is not accessible since it is under the metal shield of the module. Let me discuss this to our hardware team and get back to you.

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Hi @Nikosant ,

Based on my discussion our hardware team, we haven’t done extensive evaluation on L10 if it operates on Normal Voltage Mode while mounted. It should work but you need to perform validation on your end.

Alternatively, you can get a version without L10. Please send the request to [email protected]. You can mention that you already talked to me about this.

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