RAK4631 Arduino vs RUI3


I am going to order RAK4631 for develping a multiprotocol product (Bluetooth + LoRaWAN) and I need to know the difference between RUI3 (SKU:115009) and Arduino (SKU:115000) variations. Is there any difference on hardware? If not what is the difference?

I do not know if this is related to my question but since RAK4631 integrates NRF52840 I am considering using Segger Embedded Studio platform since I have some experience

What is you recommendation?

Hello Nikos,

RUI3 and Arduino version are the same hardware. The difference is in the bootloader and the BSP used for applications.
But if you plan to work with Segger IDE, that doesn’t matter for you, you will use the bootloader and softdevice from Segger IDE anyway.

Thank you a lot @beegee,

In case I want to revert to RUI3 or Arduino the bootloaders are available by RAK?

Good morning/night :slight_smile:

As @beegee is saying, for you both will work.

I am working with Wisblock(RAK4631 and some sensors) with VSCode/Platformio, because it is a good platform to work with sensors libraries, but now I am trying to change the architecture from infinity loop (Arduino way) to event driven and resources consumption (memory for example). Probably I will begin with the Segger Embedded Studio and Nordic Power Profile Kit (to follow power consumption) to understand better how the resources are being consumed related with the kind of behavior that I am programing in the code, for example, when to wake up, when to sleep or deep sleep…

When I have news, I will post them here.



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Yes they are here:

As @beegee said, the hardware is the same, but when you load RUI3, RAK call it RAK4631-R (RUI), and when you load Arduino BSP, RAK call it RAK4631

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Thank you a lot @crmrosa . In the past, I used to develop BLE-based devices using NRF52840 and nRF5 SDK v16.0.0. Indeed, the Power Profiler Kit II is a very handy tool for optimizing power consumption and generating the current profile of your device. It supports high sampling rate and good current consumption resolution at high frequencies. Good luck with your project. We can stay in contact, though

I work with LoRa/LoRAWAN in a hybrid mode, I mean with AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN supports public LoRaWAN.

In Brazil, AWS and Everynet have a partnership where the AWS Client (my client) has his own gateways in a LoRaWAN private and he can work together Everynet LoRaWAN public. This way my client has good LoRa coverage and a low cost operation.


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