RAK4631 + BME680 send IAQ Index (BSEC) over LoRaWAN

Hello together,
this is my first post in this forum. I have already read through, but unfortunately did not find an answer for my problem.
I have this Indoor Environment Monitor (KIT 4). But unfortunately the code does not output the IAQ index, but only the gas resistance. Does anyone have a script that uses the Bosch BSEC library instead of the Adafruit_BME680. And then sends this data via LoRaWAN to TTN or Helium?
I would be very grateful.

Many greetings Tom!

Welcome to the forum @Tom1

I have code to use the Bosch BSEC library (I hate closed sources), but it is part of a larger project. And it will need some changes to work in ArduinoIDE. The project is done for PlatformIO.

WisBlock-IAQ-PM-CO2-VOC-EPD can use the RAK1906 with either just the gas resistance or with the Bosch BSEC library.

The code for the BME680 using BSEC is in the file RAK1906_bsec.cpp

But maybe it helps for a start.