I have been using many variations of the Lorawan Deep Sleep example sucessfully and get the sleep and get expected currents using my PPK2.
I wanted to try a deep sleep app that didnt use any lorawan (or BLE).
Starting with the original arduino example, i striped out all the code for LORAWAN.
I add the timer period setup/start, that was originally at the end of lorawan_has_joined_handler(void), to the end of of the setup() method.
I added code to blink the green led in the timer event section of the loop.
Code works as expected.
Sleep current of the original lorawan example was 35uA.
Sleep current with no Lorawan, no other devices conected to the 19007 base, is 1.5mA!
I suspect the LORAWAN radio is still in some idle mode.
I cant see any code in the original example that specifically sleep the radio.
If not using either the BLE or LORA, is there a way to sleep them?
In the LORAWAN Deep Sleep example, where is Radio.Sleep() called?
If the Radio.Sleep() is used, what is need to wake it up again? Does it need to be reintialized?