RAK4631 external interrupt

I have a Link.ONE - RAK4631 and RAK5860 cellular modem with GNSS.

My code attaches an external interrupt to a digital pin to receive external pulse from a water meter. The interrupt simply counts the number of pulses in a volatile variable.

However, when I connect/start the BG77 modem on the RAK5860 the…
EDIT: … external interrupt no longer gets processed. I think this is because the processor is busy sending AT commands to the modem.

Should the interrupt halt to processor momentarily (while waitng for AT command responses from the modem) and increment the pulse counter? is there a way to use the modem and count interrupts at the same time?

However, when I connect/start the BG77 modem on the RAK5860

… then what?

apologies @beegee post was cut for some reason. Now edited.

What IO is your external interrupt connected to?
The RAK5860 is using most of the available IO’s
Only WB_IO6 is available.