I have a WisBlock RAK4631 assembly with GPS module RAK12500.
Software loaded is Mashtastic 2.5.18. (This is my third RAK4631 assembly) In Settings/Device/ Heartbeat LED(green) is turned off. Assembly consists of 19007/4630/1921 modules
The issue I am facing is that after booting up cold board (powered by USB-C (5.2VDC) all works well for about 4-6 minutes.
Then the board turns off, looks to be asleep as the red LED blinks at a .6 second rate mostly and Bluetooth connection drops and will not reconnect. Just before it shuts down the green LED starts to blink rapidly for about a second then the current drops to zero. 30-90 seconds before the green LED starts to blink and the system goes to sleep the current intermittently drops to zero many times. The red LED then blinks slowly at .6secs with random burst both very dimly with current at zero (below what I can measure) Now and then there is a current flow of about 0.03A… The assembly never wakes up. If the reset button is pressed the system boots and works normally for about 60-110 seconds then the process starts over again and it goes to sleep.
This does not happen with display or no display connected without the GPS module connected. Only when the GPS module is connected.
I have looked to see if there is some setting (like go to sleep in X seconds) but have not seen such.
These are new parts just delivered in the last few weeks and this is the first assembly and programming. Using Win11 I have also done an erase (file for 6.1.1) and reprogramming three times (using the Meshtastic flash app).
Current: @5.22VDC
First cold boot:
Receive 0.05A-0.07A mostly 0.06A
Transmit 0.17A-0.21A mostly 0.18A
After pressing reset the current is lower that after a good boot: 0.03-0.06A mostly 0.03A
So looks to be the GPS module unless I am missing something.
Forgive the prattling on but wanted to give as much info as possible.
Anyone have any ideas? Thanks
Is it normal to have the red LED flashing all the time?
My new RAK Pocket V2, which is the same board, does not do this but this board does…
We are not developing or maintaining the Meshtastic firmware. We can give only limited support related to hardware problems.
Did you try Meshtastic factory reset?
Please flash hardware test firmware (not Meshtastic based), connect over USB with a serial terminal application and share the output here.
The hardware test will check important parts of the WisBlock and report over USB the results.
Thanks for your reply.
Yes, I did a erase and reprogram using the files provided in Flash.mashtastic. (see line just before Current readings in my message.
I have been installing the GPS board in slot D as it looks to be the only slot that has the a screw mounting for this size board.
I flashed the erase file (nrf_erase2.uf2) again and flashed the file (WB_HW_Test_V1.1.8.uf2) from the zip link provided.
Below is the output file. I have removed many of the data blocks as the board was searching for Sats to shorten the results.
I am not sure what
“[GNSS] GNSS timeout 2000” is indicating.
Other than that, looks ok I think.
Also removed detail of exact location which was reporting correctly from 5 Sat fix on.
Note: The Sat antenna is looking at sats through a window that is three pane and coated. As a thin film coater I know these coatings are deposited with alternate layers of metal so there is attenuation. Antenna is looking at the western sky.
[EPD] Left LOW
[EPD] Middle LOW
[EPD] Right LOW
[EPD] Button status suggests no EPD
[EPD] No RAK14000 EPD
[SCAN] Found sensor at I2C1 0x3C
[SCAN] Found sensor at I2C1 0x42
[SCAN] Found 2 I2C devices
[GNSS] UBLOX found on I2C
[FLASH] Flash Write-Read test #1
[FLASH] Flash Write-Read test #1 success
[FLASH] Read send time from flash 10000
[FLASH] Flash Write-Read test #2
[FLASH] Flash Write-Read test #2 success
[SX1262] SyncWord = 2414
[SX1262] LoRa transceiver ok
[APP] Battery 4.20 V
[APP] Timer wakeup
[GNSS] poll_gnss
[GNSS] GNSS timeout 2000
[GNSS] Using RAK12500
[GNSS] Sat: 0 Fix: No Fix
[GNSS] Lat: -56.4866 Lon: 123.6935
[GNSS] Alt: 734043.77
[GNSS] HDOP: 284.92
[GNSS] No valid location found
Truncated Below FIX is after 25 mins
[APP] Tmer wakeup
[GNSS] poll_gnss
[GNSS] GNSS timeout 2000
[GNSS] Using RAK12500
[GNSS] Sat: 5 Fix: Fix type 3D
[GNSS] Lat: 42.XXXX Lon: -72.XXXX
[GNSS] Alt: 40.09
[GNSS] HDOP: 2.05
[GNSS] Sat: 5 Fix: Fix type 3D
[GNSS] Lat: 42.XXXX Lon: -72.XXXX
[GNSS] Alt: 44.07
[GNSS] HDOP: 2.05
[GNSS] No valid location found
[APP] Battery 4.30 V
[APP] Send P2P packet
[APP] P2P TX finished
Meshtastic expects the RAK12500 in Slot A as it is using the PPS signal from the GNSS chip.
Try to switch RAk12500 into Slot A. It will fit there, it covers Slot B and the mounting screw goes into the thread of Slot B. But that is ok.
Ok thanks for the reply. A shame to loose slot B…
Have made the change and it does not turn off now so that is a good thing.
Then did erase and reflash of WB_HW_Test_V1.1.8.uf2 file
No sure if “GNSS timeout 2000” is normal
Did another Erase and reflash to latest Meshtastic and all works well. Has been running as a test bed for 24 hours. Thanks for all your help on this issue. Is there a document that show what slots that each addon can (or can’t) be installed at?
Thanks again…