Hi all, we are currently working on a RAK5010 with custom board setup. We had a working setup with another module. We are not sure why but this module stopped working. We then thought we had damaged it somehow eventhough special care was taken everytime the module was handled. We had another module for replacement, which out-of-the-box never gave correct signal. When putting AT+CSQ?, we always get +CSQ 99,99 as an answer. It looks like this other RAK5010/BG96 is also faulty, as the same code and SIM card were working on the other board.
So, to be sure it was not our code, we decided to upload the RAK5010 default software and tried with Termite to try via serial communication with PC. Here is what we got :
At this point we highly suspect that the board itself is faulty (perhaps the track of the antenna is not properly soldered ?).
We are kind of surprised that both modules are that fragile, since as already mentioned special care was taken, and also that the second module was literally brand new when programmed, and never worked…
Any ideas on your side, of what could have caused this ?
RDY means the volgate is not stable, 5010 need at least 3.3V. So please keep the usb volgate stable or connect a chargeable battery.
If you use hologram, just send as below:
at+set_config=cellular:(AT+COPS=?) //search net
at+set_config=cellular:(AT+COPS?) //query your net
at+set_config=cellular:(AT+COPS=1,0,“hologram”,0) //set apn
at+set_config=cellular:(AT+QIACT=1) //active
Thanks a lot for your help. However, battery was connected all the time. Also, this does not explain the ERROR that i get in termite with the RUI software…
You can see here that battery level is high enough.
Hello, according to what you just described, your module is a RAK5010 module. From your reply log of’at+get_config=device:status’, you are burning the firmware of RAK5010-M, the firmware is wrong , But even if you avoid this mistake, you won’t be able to solve your problem.
Judging from your description, the module is no problem, and the high probability is the default configuration problem of BG96.
From this we know that your preparations (USB cable, dry battery, LTE antenna, SIM card must be connected to the module) have been completed, you can execute the following AT to check the status of BG96:
ATI // FW Version
AT+CFUN? // 1 For normal mode
AT+CSQ // Signal stress
AT+CPIN? ////
Also, what SIM card and network are you using?
By the way, check the following three settings
AT+QCFG=“NWSCANMODE” // 0 for auto, 1 for GSM and 3 for LTE
AT+QCFG=“IOTOPMODE” // 0 for CAT-M, 1 for CAT-NB and 2 for both.
Hello, keep you waiting
It should be caused by CFUN = 5.
Please check AT + QRFTESTMODE again? If it is 1, set AT + QRFTESTMODE = 0
If it is 0, directly set AT + CFUN = 1 to see.
The format you set AT + CFUN = 1 is wrong, you don’t need the comma and the 1 after the comma.
And after setting QRFTESTMODE, you must restart
Check the version number