RAK7201 Briked after firmware upgrade

Issue: Device stuck/bricked after firmware upgrade.
Setup: RAK7201 V2.00
Server: Non relevant

After an upgrade of the device made with the RAK Device Firmware Upgrade Tool v1.4, it’s not booting anymore and stay with the button 4 in light blue.

I tried to :

  • Reboot with long press button 1
  • connecting with a terminal and send at+get_config=device:boot (no answer)
  • remove the battery cable during 10h
  • re launch the upgrade process (even if the button 1 is not available)

Do you have any solution to turn it back ? Or do i consider it as gone ?


Hi @agd,
Where did you get the firmware from (that you flashed via the DFU tool)?

Hi Nicola,
Thank you for answer,
it is this one here


Well, this is the proper release. Could you describe to me the exact way that you flashed it?
Have you stooped/ canceled the process of flashing with the DFU tool?

  • Start the flash app,
  • place the device in openmode ( long press on button 1)
  • connect usb
  • select com port in flash app
  • select file
  • start the upgrade
  • arround 80% device switch off ( presumed reboot)
  • button 4 light blue on

One important detail (perhaps) : I’m on Osx Mac and i run the app in a paralells desktop windows instance.

Any possible process for having the device back ?
I’ve read some information about JLink, do you have any documentation for that, if it match ?

The problem probably comes from interrupting the process of flashing.

Maybe, but the device it self made the reboot without manual intervention.
Is there any possibility of restoration ?

Hi Alexandre,
Check your dm.

Hi Nikola,
Looks like I am in the same boat with a bricked RAK7201.
I have a JLink to reflash the firmware if that’s an option.
Thank you for any advice!

Hi @mikelebon,
I am sorry for the late reply. Could you describe to me what happened to the button and how did the button ended bricked? Also are you sure that the device is bricked?

Best regards

I’ve somewhat the same issue, at first I used the RAK serial tool to connect the button to a RAK 7268 gateway but the device was not responding to any commands. It only worked when I would push a button. I then tried to update the device following the tutorial with the RAK7201_V2.0.6_APP bin file, everything seemed fine but after a succesful update the device doesn’t respond to anything and the blue led from the button 4 is lighted up faintly. It’s reconnized by the computer but won’t respond to any command nor button press. I tried to remove the battery from the device but nothing, what can I do ?

Thanks in advance.

Hello @NinoFa ,

Is your device RAK7201 or RAK7201V2?
Based on what happened, the firmware that you have flashed is actually for V2 and I suppose that the button is RAK7201(not V2).
If so use the following guide to reflash it (the guide is for 7201 and not 7201V2): Firmware Upgrade Guide | RAKwireless Documentation Center

Nikola Semov

I would like to I can’t put it in configuration mode, whatever I do. I tried without and I get this

As I said, when I power it up the blue led from the button 4 is lighted up faintly, when using the micro usb, the red led from the button 2 is lighted up strongly, supposedly indicating a charge.

Also with wistool, the device doesn’t respond to AT command.

Can you please answer if your device is RAK7201 or RAK7201V2?
It wasn’t a rhetorical question, I need to know.

Oh sorry, on the box it say RAK7201

The button is bricked from the wrong firmware uploaded. You can fix it using Jlink. The problem now is that you need to enter the device into boot mode the V2 firmware doesn’t implement holding button 1 for configuration mode. If you are based in Europe you can send it to me and I can reflash it for you and send it back to you, but we can not replace the device as you bricked it yourself.

Nikola Semov

Okay, is it hard to do it ? Yes I’m in Europe, in France. How can I send it to you and where ?

Hi Nikola, it seems I bricked my 7201v2 too by flashing it with the wrong firmware.

It seems there is no compatibility check, may that could be a nice feature to have.

Do i have a way to go back to the boot loader of the uC ?


You would need a Jlink to flash the bootloader, from there it is just the firmware upgrade.

Nikola Semov