Issue:RAK7246 Join Request but does not Join
Setup: Raspberry Pi Zero W Rev 1.1, OS “10 (buster)”, 5.10.103+.
RAKWireless gateway RAK2246 version 4.2.7R install from source code.
Gateway ID: B827EBFFFExxxxxx
Server: localhost, Chirpstack
Details: Fresh installed RPi Zero Buster lite OS and rak_common_for_gateway for item6: RAK2246. After install configured - lorawan 1.0.2, Device-Profile, Codec, Application, Device correctly with DevEUI, OTAA, AppKey correctly inserted. The Gateway receives JoinRequest but do not see JoinAccept.
Tried with two devices and both are doing the same. Checked similar topics on the but could not find a solution for this.