RAK7258 Gateway'GUI always deconnected - How to reset the cgi Web App?

Since yesterday, afther 10, 20 seconds of use, whatever I’m doing, I’m deconnected and the splassh screen with user/password is displayed

If I go to the sys logs page, after some seconds I get

Seems that the web app or something is broken or corrupted somewhere?
I did a reset of the device, but nothing changed, always the same issue.

What can I do to recover a normal usage of the gateway?
In that way it’s absolutely impossible to do anything with it!.


LoRa® Server:


I also tried to reinitialize the system, from save/upgrade firmware menu, but gain afterwards, I always have the same issue, the web app is sending me to the connect sceen

I’ve been able to ssh the gateway but I’Ve no idea about how I could recover a default web App from there
could it be possible?
Is it on the sd card ?

Is it possible to burn a new sd card from a repository?

Hei @Flip ,

Which firmware version is this?
Might be a session issues, sometimes it gets stuck so you are dropped because of it. Try using another browser.


Hi Vladislav,

Thanks a lot for your answer.
I will clean my browser cache and cookies and come back to you afterwards

I assume that the version is the 1.2.0065 end of 2020.
I applyed the last release last month before the last one I just saw with WisGateOS

Do you think It could be benefit to upgrade to that WisGateOs very last firmware release?

Best Regards

@Flip ,

Updating to the latest firmware is always good, there are always bugs that have been taken care of :slight_smile:


Hi Vladimir,

I will do the upgrade afterwards.

Now thanks to your help i’ve been able to use again the GUI


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