RAK7268 - SIM Card Slot and PCI-e Modem Use Questions

Hi All,

We are interested in purchasing a few RAK7268 (WisGate Edge Lite 2), mainly because from the specifications it states there seems to be an extra mPCIe slot onboard compared to older RAK7258 model (so 2x total slots for RAK7268 model?). Stated here as “Optional supports other PCIe LTE module for Global Region” : RAK7268 WisGate Edge Lite 2 Datasheet | RAKwireless Documentation Center

We have a Customer that needs Telstra 3G in remote Australia (no 4G/LTE coverage) but the EG95-E supplied normally for Australia in the RAK7258 no longer supports Telstra 3G/WCDMA as Telstra have turned off Band 1 / B1 2100Mhz, and are using B5 only 850Mhz for Telstra 3G, EG95-E soldered to the RAK7258-LTE only does Band 1 WCDMA/3G, thus no bands actually match, only 4G and LTE which will not suit all situations.

The four questions we have are:

  1. Do we need to buy the RAK7268C LTE version in order to still use an add-in 3G/LTE module? e.g. can we buy the non LTE version “RAK7268 non-LTE”, install our own modem and the GUI of the gateway will detect this, then install our SIM card into the slot on the main PCB, then enter SIM Apn etc in the GUI settings,

  2. Does the RAK built in nano-SIM card slot pass through to and be used for add-modems? OR do we need to use a Modem with onboard module SIM card cage?

  3. Is it all plug and play? if we install say a EC25-AU mPCIe into the Gateway extra slot will this be supported and seen by the GUI section for Modem configuration automatically?

  4. Inside photos of the PCB and Expansion slots would be handy to understand the design and upgradability of the RAK7268 non-LTE version.


Toby Partridge
ICT International

Just curious, did you get any update on this?

Hey dmoore,

No no updates, I ended up choosing a NA / North American version of the gateway to suit our needs here in Australia, the NA version forces the gateway to only use 3G instead of 4G.

We haven’t purchased any RAK7268 yet.



Any updates on this ?