RAK7268C Unable to update LoRa Basics Station Client Keys on WisDM


My RAK7268C gateway stopped sending messages to the my AWS LoRa LNS for some reason. So I created a new client certificate and client key and tried to update my gateway through WisDM (I don’t have physical access to this gateway) to use those instead.

I made the changes in WisDM, but keep getting the message that the changes are pending:

When I click the “Resend” button, I get the following logs:

Sat Feb  4 07:54:36 2023 user.info wisdm[2197]: [truncated] Action shadow_ext_delta called : {"state": {"action": "shadow_ext_delta", "data": {"basic_station.trustCACertificate": "<<beginning of a certificate string that isn't familiar to me>>
Sat Feb  4 07:54:36 2023 user.info wisdm[2197]: action_callback: shadow_ext_delta action called
Sat Feb  4 07:54:36 2023 user.info wisdm[2197]: [truncated] shadow_ext_delta_callback : {"basic_station":{"trustCACertificate":"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- \n<<another partial certificate that is unfamiliar to me and contains \ns>>
Sat Feb  4 07:54:37 2023 user.warn basicstation[29716]: [SYS:WARN] Station in NO-CUPS mode
Sat Feb  4 07:54:38 2023 user.notice aws: startsvc
Sat Feb  4 07:54:38 2023 user.info wisdm[2197]: [truncated] Update LoRa Config: {"state":{"reported":{"report":"device","workMode":"basic_station","radioParameters":{"region":"US915","isLoRaWANPublic":true,"frequencySubBand":"8_15,65","beacon":{"beacon_period":128,"beacon_datarate":12,"beacon_bw_hz":500000,"beacon_freq_hz":923300000,"beacon_freq_nb":8,"beacon_freq_step":600000,"beacon_power":0}},"packet_forwarder":null,"basic_station":{"serverType":"lns","serverURL":"wss://<<aws lns node>>.lns.lorawan.us-east-1.amazonaws.com","serverPort":443,"authenticationMode":"tls-server-client","trustCACertificate":"<<look like base64 something>>","clientCertificate":"<<look like base64 something>>","clientKey":"<<look like base64 something>>","token":""},"network_server":null,"packetFilter":{"autoFilter":{"enable":false,"discardPeriod":1800,"joinPeriod":1800,"joinInterval":6,"joinCount1":5,"joinCount2":20},"whitelist":{"enable":false,"netList":[],"ouiList":[]}},"wisdm":{"bypassOTA":false,"timestamp":0,"reboot":1679078191},"lastfactoryreset":1673906202,"lastconfigreset":0}},"c
Sat Feb  4 07:54:38 2023 user.info wisdm[2197]: Update Device Accepted !!
Sat Feb  4 07:54:39 2023 user.info wisdm[2197]: http_gateway_api_request : HTTP Request ERROR - 60

but the message that the changes are pending still appears in WisDM and it still doesn’t send messages to the AWS LoRa.

I’ve tried rebooting the Gateway using the “Reboot gateway” button in WisDM.

I’ve tried rebooting the Gateway by SSH’ing in and using the /sbin/reboot -f command.

The clients who have physical access to the machine have power cycled it by unplugging it, removing the SIM card, putting the SIM card back in, and replugging it in.

None of this has made a difference. Would love some more suggestions!

Note that other Gateway configuration changes do update correctly… I changed the logging retention policy and added wifi as a WAN option and did not have this problem.