RAK7268CV2 bricked?


I have a RAK7268V2 that was running Wisgate 2.2.6. I pushed the update to 2.2.8 through WisDM.
Initially WisDM stated update succeeded but then it indicated back gw was in 2.2.6.
Now gw doesn’t answer in web, and if I do a reset or reboot it, I get only the PWR led on, the WLAN ones that blinks few times than off and LTE one that blinks around 1/2s (although no SIM card is installed !).
Is there a way to restore it using the USB port on it ? could not find anything about it in Wiki.



No one on that ? @beegee some ideas how to fix that using the USB-C port ?


Sorry @vincen I am not an expert on the gateways, cannot tell you what happened or how to recover.
Maybe @velev @Nicholas or someone else from the gateway team can help.
If no one answers, try to send your problem to our support through [email protected].

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Hi @vincen ,

You can refer to this tutorial to restore, in the article need to use a bin file, please provide your email address, I will send the bin file to your email address!

Best regards!

Thanks @beegee and @Nicholas for your help :+1:


Gateway unbricked and updated at latest WisDM firmware released today :+1:



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