RAK7289 Downlink TX Power and Antenna Gain

We have a RAK7289V2 8 channels and we are located in Europe, using EU868. We have RAK’s fiberglass antenna 5.8dBi.

The European regulations limit the maximum EIRP (Effective Isotropic Radiated Power) to +16 dBm EIRP / 25mW ERP, in most sub-bands.See:

However, in sub-band P (869.4 MHz - 869.65 MHz), the maximum output power is 500 mW ERP / 29 dBm ERP.

RX1 downlink message uses the same frequency as the uplink message from the sensor and the maximum TX power is +16dBm EIRP. The RX2 downlink message uses default 869.525 MHz (due to higher duty cycle) and it would be allowed to transmit with a higher downlink TX power.

So the questions are:

  1. Can we configure the gateway with the gain of the antenna, or do we have to configure it through the network server, “downlink TX power”?
  2. Does the gateway regulate its output power depending on current sub-band? Does it automatically increase downlink TX power in 869.4 MHz - 869.65 MHz?
  3. If we only can set the output power thought the network server, how mush cable attenuation should we account for when setting the output power?
