RAK7431 payload size: 0

I’ve verified my sensor register with QModMaster and am seemingly getting the correct values in the RAK Serial Port Tool, but am not seeing the LoRa Tx value after the Tx/Rx. Uplink payloads in Helium are also zero.

I’m on US915 with plenty of nearby gateways.

GPT is telling me ‘based on the raw_packet content in the JSON file, it looks like the data being sent in the uplink is only related to MAC commands (device_time_req ) which do not include sensor data. You would need to ensure that the configuration on the RAK7431 is set to read the sensor data, encode it, and send it on a correct application port, usually higher than 0’. I don’t see any commands in the docs to change the application port.

Any ideas? Thank you.

Uplink JSON:
“category”: “uplink”,
“data”: {
“dc”: {
“balance”: 896918,
“nonce”: 10,
“used”: 1
“devaddr”: “A7000048”,
“fcnt”: 10,
“hold_time”: 0,
“hotspot”: {
“channel”: 1,
“frequency”: 904.1,
“id”: “11SxV37FMnJffpezEKeR4oHn5Q8tBH8dfBbzkaLJtFJqSJh8qJU”,
“lat”: 45.426866941549015,
“long”: -122.79653802849481,
“name”: “merry-golden-peacock”,
“rssi”: -134,
“snr”: -16,
“spreading”: “SF10BW125”
“mac”: [
“command”: “device_time_req”
“payload”: “”,
“payload_size”: 0,
“port”: 0,
“raw_packet”: “QKcAAEiACgAAbWT+jZ8=”
“description”: “Unconfirmed data up received”,
“device_id”: “90f2fe84-e889-4c70-8882-217738e98752”,
“device_name”: “RAK7431 MODBUS”,
“frame_down”: null,
“frame_up”: 10,
“id”: “8c7036de-df80-4e41-9828-be60db874322”,
“inserted_at”: “2024-03-18T19:06:13”,
“organization_id”: “4982d127-94fe-4bcd-b795-53213da8b0a7”,
“reported_at”: “1710788773279”,
“reported_at_epoch”: 1710788773279,
“reported_at_naive”: “2024-03-18T19:06:13”,
“router_uuid”: “909d8877-a560-462f-b846-e0a41c079c20”,
“sub_category”: “uplink_unconfirmed”,
“updated_at”: “2024-03-18T19:06:13”