RAK811 Carrier sense time

Is there an AT command to change the carrier sense time?

If you have any information, I would like to know.

Thank you.

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carrier senser?Can I understand that there are no sensors released now?

AS923 of RAK811, “carrier sense” to meet the following standards.

The “ARIB STD-T108 Version 1.0 920 MHz band - Telemeter, Telecontrol and Data Transmission Radio Equipment” specification says something like the following:

Carrier sense
A carrier sense procedure shall be performed before transmitting on a radio channel. It shall be able to determine the presence of RF power on the radio channel (one or more) at a level of at least -80 dBm.
In that case, the channel is considered occupied and shall not be used for transmission.
The analysis duration shall be at least 5 ms for the channels 24 to 38.

Thank you.

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Hi @Tsutomu
What document is this? Could you send me a copy for me to check?
my emai:[email protected]

Hi leopold,

I sent this email but it may not have arrived, so I will write this here.

In order to use RAK811 for general use in Japan, it is necessary to conform to the following standards.

Association of Radio Industries and Businesses

In Japan, it is necessary to control the following sections.

3.4.1 Transmission time control equipment
3.4.2 Carrier sense

From these things, I asked if I could set a career sense time.

Thank you.

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