RAK811 Firmware Upgrade Error

Hi guys, I recently acquired a RAK811 v1.2 and currently testing it. I followed the guide (https://downloads.rakwireless.com/en/LoRa/RAK811/Application_Notes/) on how to get started with RAK811.

I flash the bootloader then the firmware (RUI_RAK811_V3.0.0.11.H_Release). However, after upgrading successfully, my RAK811 does not respond to my commands. Even if I reset it, it would not show any data. I am also cautious with boot, 3.3V, and CND pins. Can someone guide me through this?

Update: I tried flashing the firmware v2.0.3.4 and it suprisingly it works. RAK811 would respond to my commands. However, when I flash the firmware v3.0.0.11 back, the RAK 811 would not respond to any of my AT commands again? Any suggestions? Thank you

the bootloader has two versions have been updated,the firmware (RUI_RAK811_V3.0.0.11.H_Release) needs the newest bootloader : https://downloads.rakwireless.com/en/LoRa/RAK811/Firmware/RUI_RAK811_BOOT_Version3_0_1.rar.
You need update bootloader first.

Hello @leopold,
I want to upgrade the RAK811 firmware, to the latest version. But I get error message the memory exceeding. It seem that the memory size of the firmware is more than 128kB.

How to decrease the firmware memory size ?


Hi. Which version is now. If it is 2.x.x. You need to first flash the bootloader with STM32 Tool then to flash the firmware with RAK Upgrade Tool.
Please check here https://doc.rakwireless.com/rak811-lora---breakout-module/burning-bootloader-into-the-device

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