RAK811-H Joining with Incorrect channel in AS928 Region

Issue: RAK811-H when set to sometimes attempt to join on the frequency: 923800000 (not a TTN OTAA Join frequency)

Setup: Standard RAK811 Breakout with the firmware

Server: TTN

Details: Here is my connection data:

  "name": "ns.up.join.receive",
  "time": "2021-05-17T12:33:31.288419225Z",
  "identifiers": [
      "device_ids": {
        "device_id": "rak",
        "application_ids": {
          "application_id": "testapp"
        "dev_eui": "0000101011000001",
        "join_eui": "0000200000001000",
        "dev_addr": "00F7B0A5"
  "data": {
    "@type": "type.googleapis.com/ttn.lorawan.v3.UplinkMessage",
    "raw_payload": "AAAQAAAAIAAAAQAAERAQAADxsRLffd4=",
    "payload": {
      "m_hdr": {},
      "mic": "Et993g==",
      "join_request_payload": {
        "join_eui": "0000200000001000",
        "dev_eui": "0000101011000001",
        "dev_nonce": "B1F1"
    "settings": {
      "data_rate": {
        "lora": {
          "bandwidth": 125000,
          "spreading_factor": 7
      "data_rate_index": 5,
      "coding_rate": "4/5",
      "frequency": "923800000",
      "timestamp": 4237758724
    "rx_metadata": [
        "gateway_ids": {
          "gateway_id": "ttog",
          "eui": "000080029C2B2AA7"
        "timestamp": 4237758724,
        "rssi": -73,
        "channel_rssi": -73,
        "snr": 8,
        "uplink_token": "ChIKEAoEdHRvZxIIAACAApwrKqcQhKLc5A8aDAibxYmFBhDI79WIASCg7+nwqu8E",
        "channel_index": 3
    "received_at": "2021-05-17T12:33:31.287521297Z",
    "correlation_ids": [
    "consumed_airtime": "0.061696s"
  "correlation_ids": [
  "origin": "ea2b6361d534",
  "visibility": {
    "rights": [
  "unique_id": "01F5X52BMR7QWERMS20VFVTZBT"

As you can see the connection frequency is incorrect.
Are there any plans to fix this?

Hi @Kevin192291 ,

The AS923 band of RAK811 FW has 8ch opened by default. This is to match the RAK developer gateway.

* 0,on,923200000,2,5; * 1,on,923400000,2,5; * 2,on,923600000,2,5; * 3,on,923800000,2,5; * 4,on,924000000,2,5; * 5,on,924200000,2,5; * 6,on,924400000,2,5; * 7,on,924600000,2,5; 8,off,0,0,0; 9,off,0,0,0; 10,off,0,0,0; 11,off,0,0,0; 12,off,0,0,0; 13,off,0,0,0; 14,off,0,0,0; 15,off,0,0,0

We will update this on the next FW release.

For now, you can turn off the other channels and just open up channels 0 and 1.

Thank you very much for the response, I will try this.
Btw, When do you think the next FW release may be?

Thanks again!

The SW team is working on it now together with other FW improvements. I’ll let you know as soon as we release it.

I hope the work-around for you.

I have tested the workaround it it works perfectly. Can I turn the channels 2-8 back on after joining?

Hi Kevin, the other channels will be automatically turned on after joining so you don’t need to do anything.

To verify, you can check via at+get_config=lora:channel

After turning the channels off, and issuing the at+join the channels are not set to on when
I run at+get_config=lora:channel, they appear to remain off.

Hi @Kevin192291 ,

What gateway do you use? Also, what is your specific AS923-x subband?

Can you share me the channels before and after a successful join?

I am in AS923-JP
I ran: at+get_config=lora:channel and got

OK * 0,on,923200000,2,5; * 1,on,923400000,2,5; 2,off,923600000,2,5; 3,off,923800000,2,5; 4,off,924000000,2,5; 5,off,924200000,2,5; 6,off,924400000,2,5; 7,off,924600000,2,5; 8,off,0,0,0; 9,off,0,0,0; 10,off,0,0,0; 11,off,0,0,0; 12,off,0,0,0; 13,off,0,0,0; 14,off,0,0,0; 15,off,0,0,0

Then ran at+join, and got:
OK Join Success

Then ran at+get_config=lora:channel and got:
OK * 0,on,923200000,2,5; * 1,on,923400000,2,5; 2,off,923600000,2,5; 3,off,923800000,2,5; 4,off,924000000,2,5; 5,off,924200000,2,5; 6,off,924400000,2,5; 7,off,924600000,2,5; * 8,on,922200000,0,5; * 9,on,922400000,0,5; *10,on,922600000,0,5; *11,on,922800000,0,5; *12,on,923000000,0,5; 13,off,0,0,0; 14,off,0,0,0; 15,off,0,0,0

It seems that 2-8 are still OFF, is that bad or is that supposed to happen?


Hi @Kevin192291 ,

That is ok as you see here in the TTN Frequency Plan (Frequency Plans | The Things Network)

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