RAK812 information

There are nearly 500pcs RAK812 modules in the company’s warehouse, but I can’t find any information on the official website, only RAK811. Where can I find the information of this module?

Welcome to the forum @canghai

The RAK812 is out of production since more than 5 years and there is no documentation available for it anymore.

So are these modules just electronic garbage? No documentation at all? That shouldn’t be the case in the Internet age.

Maybe this one helps:

But we cannot give any support for this module anymore. Even the engineers that developed the module are no longer with the company.

I have searched on Google but the information is not very valuable.

No technical support is needed, RAK812 should also be a serial AT module, all you need is documentation and firmware.

I cannot help with documentation or firmware.
I asked R&D, nobody knows that module anymore.

Well, thank you very much!
If it doesn’t work, I can only write a firmware myself, NANO100NE3BN+SX1278, the circuit looks simple.
However, rakwireless’s document and data management has great defects. After the staff left, they couldn’t find any data. For enterprises in the Internet era, the preservation, backup and version management of design data are very important, especially for industrial products, where the life cycle of 5-10 years is very common.

In addition, I didn’t find this model number on the sticker on the FCC, so was it discontinued because it did not pass FCC approval?